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Curriculum and Certifications


A BBA in Marketing with an Emphasis in Sales and Sales Management is for students interested in sales as an entry-level marketing position or in sales as a career.

Detailed course requirements and descriptions for the Sales and Sales Management Emphasis can be found below:

MKTG 3131: Principles of Marketing – A basic survey of the field of marketing with emphasis upon the problems of policy determination and marketing management. Consideration is given to the international and ethical aspects of marketing decisions.

MKTG 3133: Professional Selling – A study of methods of selling. Topics covered include analysis of prospects, knowledge of merchandise and its uses, preparation of sales presentations, methods of handling objections and closing sales, with emphasis on relationship selling. Videotaped role playing required.

MKTG 4133: Sales Management – Management of sales force activities. Emphasis is on organization, territory design, leadership skills, motivation, and cost analysis.

MKTG 4232: Advanced Selling – An advanced course that integrates and extends concepts encountered in other selling and sales- elated courses. Particular emphasis is placed on negotiating skills and customer relationship management (CRM), as well as general sales-related topics including sales automation and time/territory management. Students will be required to spend time in the field with professional salespeople and to prepare and deliver several effective sales presentations.

MKTG 4890: Sales Competition in U.S. – Independent study and research in selected areas of Marketing under supervision of a member of the Marketing faculty.


Certifications in Sales


After the completion of our Advanced Sales classes you will receive SPIN Certification. Georgia Southern University offers an academic certificate in Huthwaite skills-based program that teaches sales students in advanced classes, how to sell more successfully using the proven SPIN® model of sales effectiveness. You will learn how to:

  • Plan for a successful sales call that moves the sale forward
  • Ask the right questions during each phase of the selling process
  • Turn implied needs into the kind of pain that motivates your customer to buy
  • Create real value – not just communicate it – for your clients
  • Avoid objections by offering true needs-based solutions
  • Build stronger customer relationships and close more business!


University Sales Center Alliance Certification

The purpose of the Certified Sales Student program is to offer university students the opportunity to receive recognition for going beyond minimal course requirements in preparing themselves for successful sales jobs and careers. Completing the process required to receive this certification helps participants to differentiate themselves from other students in the sales employment market. Similarly, by denoting exceptional commitment and achievement, the program assists employers in identifying the best candidates for sales positions nationwide and around the world.

Last updated: 4/7/2021